Our Simple Three Step Process to Sell Your Oklahoma Mineral Rights and Royalties Quickly for Cash

Step 1: The Offer 

Request an offer by filing out This Form or by calling us at 918-984-1645. Please have any details about your mineral rights or royalties available such as the recent check stubs or source document like the Mineral Deeds. This offer is obligation and cost free even if you do not sell to Berlin Royalties.

Step 2: The Evaluation Process

Berlin Royalties will conduct our engineering and geological analysis of your mineral rights to determine a realistic and fair purchase price. We consider the location of your minerals, the lease and production status and projected future activity.

Step 3: The Closing and Payment

Berlin Royalties will send you the necessary paperwork and instructions to complete the transaction. Upon receipt of the signed documents, Berlin Royalties will immediately send your payment. Berlin Royalties will of course pay for all transaction, postage, and closing costs.

Berlin Royalties makes this complex process Simple.

The process of selling oil and gas mineral rights and royalties can be a daunting task, unless you work with professionals who have proven ability to handle the evaluation and sale process. Berlin Royalties is committed to making this process work smoothly for the mineral owner.

Request your No Cost, No Obligation Offer to Trade or Sell Your Oklahoma Mineral Rights and Oil and Gas Royalties by Clicking Here or Calling Berlin Royalties at 918.984.1645